Start Up Support
Since its inception, Heritage Restaurant Consultants has been at the forefront of creative consulting. Many of our ideas and concepts such as virtual manager logs, in-store dining concepts and source based cooking, have been adopted throughout the world and lead food service best practices.
HRC continues to lead the way on issues at the vanguard of restaurant and food innovation and operational practice, such as global brand creation, emerging markets, sustainability, and operational excellence. We take pride in seeing our ideas successfully implemented and creating a network of clients who are benefitting from our creativity and advanced operational systems and training.
Our deepest client relationships are with companies or individuals that are seeking to transform their markets. This tradition of ‘Possibility’ and ‘Creation’ is our singular most valued motivation that’s trumped by only one thing………...developing: a Heritage brand!
Concept Creation
Restaurant Concept Creation is regularly misunderstood; there are many formulas and so called proven methodologies, however in reality concept development almost always begins with an Idea!
While challenging, the concept creation phase is possibly the most exciting. A forward-looking Idea is difficult to define yet as HRC’s process for developing and evaluating new ideas begins to roll, our clients and consultants often enter into an unforgettable journey of creativity that forms the foundation of what just might be the next Starbucks or McDonalds.
If you are planning a new or first restaurant venture or need to rebrand existing restaurant operations. Our Restaurant concept development process gives broad and sometimes ill-defined ideas a chance to be examined by groups of experts through a creative yet logical progression.
Heritage Restaurant Consultants’ proven creative program, provides unique perspectives for clients when creating new and innovative concepts. However the singular component that our competitors have never been able to match, is our coordinated service which pulls together all elements of the creative development from Ideation through to interior design, branding, menu development and overall concept personality along with operational execution; comprising of layout, operating systems, recruitment, training, customer service and representative. Therefore clients only need to talk with one Partner in charge as opposed to several agencies with different accountabilities.